The WindowsMedia9 KB837272 update cannot be installed on Windows 98 Second Edition
(too old to reply)
2004-05-10 11:45:56 UTC
I entered to http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;837272
and downloaded the WindowsMedia9-KB837272-ENU.exe update file. When I
try to run it I get following error message:

The WINDOWSMEDIA9-KB837272-ENU.EXE file is
linked to missing export NTDLL.DLL:NtOpenProcessToken

I have %windir%\SYSTEM\NTDLL.DLL file and this is 4.10.1998 version.
The size of that file is 20480 bytes. The version of the
WindowsMedia9-KB837272-ENU.exe file is "5.3.0018.4 built by:
srv03_qfe(ntsebld)". It seems like a build bug of Microsoft
developers. Any suggestions, comments?

P.S. the above KB837272 web page have following text:

The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows Millennium Edition
Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series for Windows Server 2003
2004-05-16 19:30:40 UTC
My only comment is that I was unable to install this patch using
Windows Update. I would continue to get "could not update" error
message. The only way I could install it was downloading it from
Microsoft's site, then running the download. BTW, I'm running Win Xp
