Windows will not open - help please
(too old to reply)
ECLiPSE 2002
2004-06-17 23:15:03 UTC
This morning I started my Athlon PC running Win98se and it booted up
without any problem. I did two things - burned a CD-R and went to the
McAfee update web site and downloaded and installed this week's dat

When I attempted to open and read my email messages in Outlook Express
6, I got an error message that said ..."Cannot initialize ressource
DLL. Press OK to Exit" After doing this I was able to download and
read my messages.

I shut down the computer and later in the day I started the PC and it
progressed as far as the Microsoft Windows 98 screen and hung there.

Possible contributing factors:

1. the ressource DLL?

2. Earlier in the week I had a virus which McAfee detected and I was
able to delete it - the virus detection screen indicated that program
affected was C:\Program Files\Agent\Temp\Tmp and the virus name was
Exploit-Dcom Rpc.gen. After deleting it there appeared to be no
further problems.

3. I was able to boot up in safe mode which I believe indicates that a
driver or program is causing the start up problem, does it not?
In safe mode when I went to msconfig I noticed that none of the start
items were checked and when I attempted to start MaAfee Virus Shield I
got an error message that said ...this program has committed an
illegal action and will be terminated.

Based upon the above, does anyone have any thoughts on what might be
at play here and whether any of the above factors may be in some way
responsible for the problem and what steps I might be able to
undertake to identify and remedy the problem?

Any assistance would be greatly apprecitated.

2004-06-17 23:32:22 UTC
McAfee software was always, and still is, a DISASTER waiting to happen. IF,
doesn't upset your machine from the moment you install it, it'll do it a
little later on!

Uninstall McAfee, replace it with something else such as Norton, and you'll
be fine.

Note: there will always be a few people with cluttered and/or poorly
maintained systems that refer to Norton software as "bloatware." This is
simply because their hardware is inadequate and/or their system was on the
point of collapse when they installed Norton.

regards, Richard

...unashamedly and obviously a Norton fan :-)
Post by ECLiPSE 2002
This morning I started my Athlon PC running Win98se and it booted up
without any problem. I did two things - burned a CD-R and went to the
McAfee update web site and downloaded and installed this week's dat
When I attempted to open and read my email messages in Outlook Express
6, I got an error message that said ..."Cannot initialize ressource
DLL. Press OK to Exit" After doing this I was able to download and
read my messages.
I shut down the computer and later in the day I started the PC and it
progressed as far as the Microsoft Windows 98 screen and hung there.
1. the ressource DLL?
2. Earlier in the week I had a virus which McAfee detected and I was
able to delete it - the virus detection screen indicated that program
affected was C:\Program Files\Agent\Temp\Tmp and the virus name was
Exploit-Dcom Rpc.gen. After deleting it there appeared to be no
further problems.
3. I was able to boot up in safe mode which I believe indicates that a
driver or program is causing the start up problem, does it not?
In safe mode when I went to msconfig I noticed that none of the start
items were checked and when I attempted to start MaAfee Virus Shield I
got an error message that said ...this program has committed an
illegal action and will be terminated.
Based upon the above, does anyone have any thoughts on what might be
at play here and whether any of the above factors may be in some way
responsible for the problem and what steps I might be able to
undertake to identify and remedy the problem?
Any assistance would be greatly apprecitated.
ECLiPSE 2002
2004-06-18 11:46:19 UTC
Many thanks to all responders - your input is appreciated,

2004-06-18 12:19:08 UTC
Post by ECLiPSE 2002
This morning I started my Athlon PC running Win98se and it booted up
without any problem. I did two things - burned a CD-R and went to the
McAfee update web site and downloaded and installed this week's dat
When I attempted to open and read my email messages in Outlook Express
6, I got an error message that said ..."Cannot initialize ressource
DLL. Press OK to Exit" After doing this I was able to download and
read my messages.
I shut down the computer and later in the day I started the PC and it
progressed as far as the Microsoft Windows 98 screen and hung there.
1. the ressource DLL?
2. Earlier in the week I had a virus which McAfee detected and I was
able to delete it - the virus detection screen indicated that program
affected was C:\Program Files\Agent\Temp\Tmp and the virus name was
Exploit-Dcom Rpc.gen. After deleting it there appeared to be no
further problems.
3. I was able to boot up in safe mode which I believe indicates that a
driver or program is causing the start up problem, does it not?
In safe mode when I went to msconfig I noticed that none of the start
items were checked and when I attempted to start MaAfee Virus Shield I
got an error message that said ...this program has committed an
illegal action and will be terminated.
Based upon the above, does anyone have any thoughts on what might be
at play here and whether any of the above factors may be in some way
responsible for the problem and what steps I might be able to
undertake to identify and remedy the problem?
Any assistance would be greatly apprecitated.
There's a process one goes through when Windows won't start. I'd suggest
going to the microsoft web-site and seach the KB for articles that have
key words "when Windows will not boot" plus "Windows 98".

It's not clear from your description what exactly McAfee found. You may
have some kind of malware problem that is causing this.
Since you have WIn98, did you create any emergency boot disks with
McAfee that you can run in DOS mode to determine whether or not you have
a malware issue?
2004-06-19 04:00:53 UTC
Your situation is more complex than mine. But McAfee did not update well
for me last night. I was only able to reboot to Normal Mode by undoing
McAfee's update in Safe Mode. I replaced the 13 McAfee files that were
updated from my clone. (Soon, I will try the update again.) If you
cannot do that, then...

In Safe Mode, perhaps un/re-install McAfee, to start.
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
"ECLiPSE 2002" <***@comcast.net> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
| This morning I started my Athlon PC running Win98se and it booted up
| without any problem. I did two things - burned a CD-R and went to the
| McAfee update web site and downloaded and installed this week's dat
| files.
| When I attempted to open and read my email messages in Outlook Express
| 6, I got an error message that said ..."Cannot initialize ressource
| DLL. Press OK to Exit" After doing this I was able to download and
| read my messages.
| I shut down the computer and later in the day I started the PC and it
| progressed as far as the Microsoft Windows 98 screen and hung there.
| Possible contributing factors:
| 1. the ressource DLL?
| 2. Earlier in the week I had a virus which McAfee detected and I was
| able to delete it - the virus detection screen indicated that program
| affected was C:\Program Files\Agent\Temp\Tmp and the virus name was
| Exploit-Dcom Rpc.gen. After deleting it there appeared to be no
| further problems.
| 3. I was able to boot up in safe mode which I believe indicates that a
| driver or program is causing the start up problem, does it not?
| In safe mode when I went to msconfig I noticed that none of the start
| items were checked and when I attempted to start MaAfee Virus Shield I
| got an error message that said ...this program has committed an
| illegal action and will be terminated.
| Based upon the above, does anyone have any thoughts on what might be
| at play here and whether any of the above factors may be in some way
| responsible for the problem and what steps I might be able to
| undertake to identify and remedy the problem?
| Any assistance would be greatly apprecitated.
| Mary