How to restore current version of secur32.dll?
(too old to reply)
Donald Newcomb
2003-12-20 12:13:10 UTC
You know how every time you change any network setting in Win98, it
goes through all reloading of the networking software, etc. and tells
you that it's trying to overwrite a newer secure32.dll, and do you
want to keep the newer one? Well, on the ten-thousandth time I messed
up and answered "No", so it pulled the old version (4.10.1998) out of
the original install CABs and overwrote the updated file (4.10.2177).

Can someone tell me which update I need to reapply, or which CAB I
need to search to restore the current secur32.dll file? Thanks, and I
did search the knowledge base and google-groups before posting this
(what must be a FAQ) question.

Donald Newcomb
DRNewcomb (at) attglobal (dot) net
Donald Newcomb
2004-01-12 16:00:19 UTC
Post by Donald Newcomb
Can someone tell me which update I need to reapply, or which CAB I
need to search to restore the current secur32.dll file? Thanks, and I
did search the knowledge base and google-groups before posting this
(what must be a FAQ) question.
Found it. What I ended up doing was to just search my directory of
downloaded updates for the text "secur32". It was in the dcom98

Donald Newcomb
DRNewcomb (at) attglobal (dot) net
