make win98 boot from cd?
(too old to reply)
2005-02-01 04:36:15 UTC
Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd, as it does on my win2k machine.
Why/not, please? (I'm trying to install linux on the win98 machine,
the cd worked fine for that on the win2k machine.)

Thufir Hawat
Bill Watt
2005-02-01 05:07:30 UTC
Post by Thufir
Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd, as it does on my win2k machine.
Why/not, please? (I'm trying to install linux on the win98 machine,
the cd worked fine for that on the win2k machine.)
Thufir Hawat
Try booting to the BIOS and put the CDrom first in the boot


Bill Watt
Computer Help and Information http://home.epix.net/~bwatt/
2005-02-01 05:24:32 UTC
How do I do that, please? on the win2k system I just press F8 right
away, and a menu pops up asking where to boot from. On the win98
system this doesn't work...?


Thufir Hawat
2005-02-01 06:30:09 UTC
Post by Thufir
Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd, as it does on my win2k machine.
... ask in a windows newsgroup.

secondly, you really should find somebody that knows about
Linux and how to install it and to sit down and give you a
tutorial on installing it and its use, BEFORE you try to
embark on it by yourself.

honestly, my words might sound harsh, but you've been on
about the same issue for about 10 days now. again, find a
friend or colleague that understands all of this ...
<< http://michaeljtobler.homelinux.com/ >>
Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
Tom F.
2005-02-01 07:08:41 UTC
OK, this is not easy to do, but you are really annoying me. I have
answered you 3 times in 2 newsgroups about various questions you have
had. All of them display a singular lack of effort on your part.

You need to do at least a little research for yourself (not to mention

It took me 30 seconds to find the following links. They contain 99
percent of the information you will need. Read them. Try to follow the
instructions. If you then get into trouble, many people will be happy
to help you, BUT you have to show a little initiate. Otherwise, find a
linux user group in your area and bribe a member with pizza and beer to
come over and install linux for you.

This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You want
to boot from a CD. It explains how to do that well, with bios screen
shots and everything.

This is more information than you need about partitioning, but it
wouldn't hurt to learn something. You can start with one partition for
root and one for swap. if you have space, use another for home. the
rest is optional.

this is a good log of someone else who installed fedora.

Read everything. try it out. if you then get into problems, post again.
Speaking for myself, this is the last message I'll post to you if you
don't follow these simple instructions.
Tom F.
2005-02-01 10:14:51 UTC
Post by Tom F.
OK, this is not easy to do, but you are really annoying me. I have
answered you 3 times in 2 newsgroups about various questions you have
had. All of them display a singular lack of effort on your part.
I'm sorry that you have that view, in fact I've been doing quite a bit
of reading on this.
Post by Tom F.
You need to do at least a little research for yourself (not to
Post by Tom F.
It took me 30 seconds to find the following links. They contain 99
percent of the information you will need. Read them. Try to follow the
instructions. If you then get into trouble, many people will be happy
to help you, BUT you have to show a little initiate. Otherwise, find a
linux user group in your area and bribe a member with pizza and beer to
come over and install linux for you.
Post by Tom F.
This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You want
to boot from a CD. It explains how to do that well, with bios screen
shots and everything.
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the "boot screen" mentioned here.
Post by Tom F.
This is more information than you need about partitioning, but it
wouldn't hurt to learn something. You can start with one partition for
root and one for swap. if you have space, use another for home. the
rest is optional.
Thank you, before posting this question I got FC3, minimal, up and
running on the win2k machine. The win98 machine seems quite different
in its boot sequence.
Post by Tom F.
this is a good log of someone else who installed fedora.
Unfortunately, it doesn't apply as I'm stuck on the boot sequence for
the win98 machine. On the win2k machine, things seem ok.
Post by Tom F.
Read everything. try it out. if you then get into problems, post again.
Speaking for myself, this is the last message I'll post to you if you
don't follow these simple instructions.
Tom F.
Hopefully you'll continue to help, I'd appreciate it.

Thufir Hawat
Tom F.
2005-02-01 11:52:45 UTC
OK Thufir, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a
troll getting your jollies. I'm suspicious, though.
Post by Thufir
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the
"boot screen" mentioned here.
OK, see? This is why people aren't sure abut you. This doesn't really
help me to help you. Please be specific. Have you succeeded in getting
into the bios setup screen at all? When you first turn on the computer,
doesn't it tell you how to enter the bios? (press DEL or a function key
or something?)

If you HAVE gotten to that screen, what do you see there? I just don't
believe there is nothing that mentions "boot." Like "boot order" or
something. Even if your hardware is too old to boot from a CD (which I
very much doubt) there would still be other boot options. There MUST be
something that can enable or disable booting from a floppy and
reordering the boot drive sequence. This is a main job of all bios. It
is there.

What is the make of your motherboard? If you don't know, check the
hardware properties in windows, which is running on this machine,
right? You can find out what motherboard you have that way. Then search
and or post it. We can find something that way.

Others have asked you to post this info, but you don't do it. Why not?
It would be very useful. If you don't know how, why not ask that? "I
don't know what motherboard I have. How can I find out?" At least that
question would be a logical response.

The point I'm making here is that people reading this group get a bit
annoyed at the hazy way you ask your questions, then more annoyed at
the lack of info in your responses. Simply saying "It didn't work."
isn't enough. We aren't mind readers.
Post by Thufir
Thank you, before posting this question I got FC3, minimal, up and
running on the win2k machine. The win98 machine seems quite different
in its boot sequence.
Understand this is a question of bios and hardware. It has NOTHING to
do with any operating system. not windows 98, 2000, linux or anything
else. First the bios boots a disk THEN an operating system takes over.
So this problem (I still don't believe it is a problem yet) occurs
before any OS is loaded. You would have to solve this booting from a CD
problem even if NO operating system were installed on the machine.
Post by Thufir
Unfortunately, it doesn't apply as I'm stuck on the boot sequence for
the win98 machine. On the win2k machine, things seem ok.
And this is another thing. You were posting about 2 machines without
making that clear at all. Your posts are very confusing and hard to
Post by Thufir
I'm sorry that you have that view, in fact
I've been doing quite a bit of
reading on this.
All right. I'm believing you for the moment. But honestly, this isn't
as hard as you are making it out to be. Just communicate a little
Post by Thufir
Hopefully you'll continue to help, I'd appreciate it.
I'm taking you at your word, here. I hope you don't prove me foolish.

I've asked a few stupid questions in my time. I've always gotten help
here, even if it is of the "tough love" variety. I've learned. But I
never saw anything like your posts. You need to provide INFO in a clear
logical way if you think anyone can help you.

You need to say something like this:
I'm trying to do X.
I did this (be exact and specific).
This is what happened (be exact and specific).

You say please and thank you very nicely, that's good, but information
is better.

Once you are up and running in linux, I'll point you to guidelines on
posting to newsgroups. But the basic idea is if you don't provide good
information in a clear and logical way, people will at best flame you
and at worst just ignore you.

I'm far from a linux expert. But I think I have enough knowledge and
experience to help you with your problems if you provide enough info
for me to do so.
Tom F.
Mark South
2005-02-01 16:13:14 UTC
Post by Tom F.
Understand this is a question of bios and hardware. It has NOTHING to
do with any operating system. not windows 98, 2000, linux or anything
else. First the bios boots a disk THEN an operating system takes over.
Yes, true.
Post by Tom F.
So this problem (I still don't believe it is a problem yet) occurs
before any OS is loaded. You would have to solve this booting from a CD
problem even if NO operating system were installed on the machine.
The simplest solution is to get Smart Boot Manager


Just get SBMINST.EXE and run it to make a floppy with it. Insert CD,
insert floppy, boot. Select CD from the SBM screen, magic happens and it
all works.

BTW, it can be seriously hard to get at some BIOSes. Some IBMs require
you know the correct combination of keys to press and hold after power-up
and before ROM load and it only works from a cold boot. No, I'm not
Mark South: World Citizen, Net Denizen
2005-02-01 20:37:15 UTC
Post by Mark South
Post by Tom F.
Understand this is a question of bios and hardware. It has NOTHING to
do with any operating system. not windows 98, 2000, linux or
Post by Mark South
Post by Tom F.
else. First the bios boots a disk THEN an operating system takes over.
Yes, true.
Post by Tom F.
So this problem (I still don't believe it is a problem yet) occurs
before any OS is loaded. You would have to solve this booting from a CD
problem even if NO operating system were installed on the machine.
The simplest solution is to get Smart Boot Manager
Ah, thank you
Post by Mark South
Just get SBMINST.EXE and run it to make a floppy with it. Insert CD,
insert floppy, boot. Select CD from the SBM screen, magic happens and it
all works.
BTW, it can be seriously hard to get at some BIOSes. Some IBMs require
you know the correct combination of keys to press and hold after power-up
and before ROM load and it only works from a cold boot. No, I'm not
Mark South: World Citizen, Net Denizen
It is an IBM personal computer 300GL. I suspect you've hit the nail on
the head. I'll give it a go with the floppy, I'll also try tomsrtbt,
toms root boot floppy.


Thufir Hawat
Tom F.
2005-02-02 06:55:31 UTC
Post by Thufir
It is an IBM personal computer 300GL.
I found a reference on the Net that says all Thinkpads require you to
hold the F1 key before turning the machine on to access the bios. Keep
the F1 key pressed while it's booting up and you're in.
This is the info we needed all along.
Tom F.
Tom F.
2005-02-02 06:49:33 UTC
Post by Mark South
The simplest solution is to get Smart Boot Manager
Just get SBMINST.EXE and run it to make a floppy with it.
Insert CD, insert floppy, boot. Select CD from the SBM
Post by Mark South
screen, magic happens and it all works.
This is a very good solution. Thufir, try it.
Tom F.
2005-02-01 20:13:43 UTC
Post by Tom F.
OK Thufir, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a
troll getting your jollies. I'm suspicious, though.
Post by Thufir
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the
"boot screen" mentioned here.
"Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd" nor do I see a boot screen. When I
initially posted, I'd never heard the term "boot screen."
Post by Tom F.
OK, see? This is why people aren't sure abut you. This doesn't really
help me to help you. Please be specific. Have you succeeded in
Post by Tom F.
into the bios setup screen at all? When you first turn on the
Post by Tom F.
doesn't it tell you how to enter the bios? (press DEL or a function key
or something?)
Yes, I've tried all combos, I believe: ctrl, ctrl-alt, ctrl-alt-esc,
esc, del, insert, function keys, etc. The win98 machine does start to
grind away at the floppy, but there's no boot screen.
Post by Tom F.
If you HAVE gotten to that screen, what do you see there? I just don't
believe there is nothing that mentions "boot." Like "boot order" or
something. Even if your hardware is too old to boot from a CD (which I
very much doubt) there would still be other boot options. There MUST be
something that can enable or disable booting from a floppy and
reordering the boot drive sequence. This is a main job of all bios. It
is there.
What is the make of your motherboard? If you don't know, check the
hardware properties in windows, which is running on this machine,
right? You can find out what motherboard you have that way. Then search
and or post it. We can find something that way.
I'll post that ASAP.
Post by Tom F.
Others have asked you to post this info, but you don't do it. Why not?
It would be very useful. If you don't know how, why not ask that? "I
don't know what motherboard I have. How can I find out?" At least that
question would be a logical response.
The point I'm making here is that people reading this group get a bit
annoyed at the hazy way you ask your questions, then more annoyed at
the lack of info in your responses. Simply saying "It didn't work."
isn't enough. We aren't mind readers.
I know that you aren't mind readers. As best I could I described that
"Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd," which I now realize doesn't completely
describe the problem.
Post by Tom F.
Post by Thufir
Thank you, before posting this question I got FC3, minimal, up and
running on the win2k machine. The win98 machine seems quite
Post by Tom F.
Post by Thufir
in its boot sequence.
Understand this is a question of bios and hardware. It has NOTHING to
do with any operating system. not windows 98, 2000, linux or anything
else. First the bios boots a disk THEN an operating system takes over.
So this problem (I still don't believe it is a problem yet) occurs
before any OS is loaded. You would have to solve this booting from a CD
problem even if NO operating system were installed on the machine.
When I first posted, I didn't know the source of the problem, I thought
it probably had to do with win98.
Post by Tom F.
Post by Thufir
Unfortunately, it doesn't apply as I'm stuck on the boot sequence for
the win98 machine. On the win2k machine, things seem ok.
And this is another thing. You were posting about 2 machines without
making that clear at all. Your posts are very confusing and hard to
Post by Thufir
I'm sorry that you have that view, in fact
I've been doing quite a bit of
reading on this.
All right. I'm believing you for the moment. But honestly, this isn't
as hard as you are making it out to be. Just communicate a little
Post by Thufir
Hopefully you'll continue to help, I'd appreciate it.
I'm taking you at your word, here. I hope you don't prove me foolish.
I've asked a few stupid questions in my time. I've always gotten help
here, even if it is of the "tough love" variety. I've learned. But I
never saw anything like your posts. You need to provide INFO in a clear
logical way if you think anyone can help you.
I'm trying to do X.
I did this (be exact and specific).
This is what happened (be exact and specific).
pressing the keys which should bring up the BIOS have no visible effect
to the boot sequence, aside from that the floppy drive makes noises and
win98 boots into "safe mode."
Post by Tom F.
You say please and thank you very nicely, that's good, but
Post by Tom F.
is better.
Once you are up and running in linux, I'll point you to guidelines on
posting to newsgroups. But the basic idea is if you don't provide good
information in a clear and logical way, people will at best flame you
and at worst just ignore you.
I'm far from a linux expert. But I think I have enough knowledge and
experience to help you with your problems if you provide enough info
for me to do so.
Tom F.

Thufir Hawat
2005-02-02 19:57:00 UTC
Post by Thufir
Post by Tom F.
OK Thufir, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a
troll getting your jollies. I'm suspicious, though.
Post by Thufir
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the
"boot screen" mentioned here.
"Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd" nor do I see a boot screen. When I
initially posted, I'd never heard the term "boot screen."
You don't get one on your other machine either? Both machines same


dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
...a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
Thufir Hawat
2005-02-02 21:36:13 UTC
dadiOH wrote:
Post by dadiOH
You don't get one on your other machine either? Both machines same

The "first" machine is dual-boot wk2 with FC3, much newer :)

On this machine, the IBM, I'll probably use a tool called SBM to boot
from the cd.

Thufir Hawat
2005-02-01 15:08:39 UTC
Post by Thufir
Post by Tom F.
This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You
want to boot from a CD. It explains how to do that well, with bios
screen shots and everything.
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the "boot screen" mentioned here.
Then your machine is broken. Or your CRT isn't turned on. Or you
aren't looking.

ALL computers have that screen...the POST...the one where RAM is
checked. The OS installed on the hard drive has no bearing on it.

Maybe it is going too fast to read? Then HALT it (press Pause/Break).
Somewhere - normally lower left - there will be info about the key you
need to press to get into the BIOS setup (all mobos have a BIOS, all
have a setup).

Resume the boot by pressing Esc then whatever key is needed to enter
BIOS setup - keep tapping it until the machine beeps at you or you are
in BIOS. Once there, you will have to browse around (using arrow keys)
to find where you change the order of the boot devices. Once you find
that section and select it, "Enter" will give you the various options.
IMO, setting floppy first, CD drive second and hard drive third makes

Once device boot order is set, save the BIOS changes. Read the
instructions at the bottom of the screen to see how to save BIOS changes
and exit.

In the future, BIOS will check for a bootable floppy, then a bootable CD
before the hard drive. May well tell you that those checks failed, no
big deal...they will always fail unless you have bootable media in one
or the other. After each failure, it will check the next device
ultimately coming to the hard drive.

If you or your machine can't do the above you are SOL.


dadiOH's dandies v3.06...
...a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
2005-02-01 15:37:31 UTC
Post by dadiOH
ALL computers have that screen...the POST...the one where RAM is
checked.  The OS installed on the hard drive has no bearing on it.
... some machines nowadays have a new-fangled
'bios boot splash' where nothing but a vendor
image is shown, with maybe a progress bar. i
wouldnt assume ALL computers boot the same
Post by dadiOH
Maybe it is going too fast to read?  Then HALT it (press Pause/Break).
Somewhere - normally lower left -
... mine's in the upper right. again, assumption
about what is displayed or where :)

i think this might be an OLD machine, since
they call it a "windows 98 machine". funny how
a computer (h/w) is named by the OS that is on
it :) better to say, "my box has the following
hardware on it: "blah blah ...".

anyway, if this is an older machine/BIOS, it
probably cant boot the CD
<< http://michaeljtobler.homelinux.com/ >>
"Life is like a bowl of soup with hairs floating on it.
You have to eat it nevertheless." - Flaubert
Doug Mitton
2005-02-01 16:00:52 UTC
Post by dadiOH
Post by Thufir
Post by Tom F.
This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You
want to boot from a CD. It explains how to do that well, with bios
screen shots and everything.
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the "boot screen" mentioned here.
Then your machine is broken. Or your CRT isn't turned on. Or you
aren't looking.
ALL computers have that screen...the POST...the one where RAM is
checked. The OS installed on the hard drive has no bearing on it.
Ah, to be honest this may not be totally true, depending on the
vintage of the hardware and/or the brand.

I have a 500Mhz (or maybe its the 166?) (not REALLY old) Thinkpad that
doesn't give any hint on the boot screen on how to get into the BIOS,
I had to look it up under the support section of the web page, its
"hold down the F1 key while powering up".

Also, remember the 'ole Compaq machines that required a special SETUP
boot floppy disk to make the "bios" changes.

This thread has gotten very confusing, and I'm not sure if the OP has
posted the hardware ID of the Win98 machine BUT there may well be a
reason why its still running Win98.

To the OP, this is not a Linux limitation but a hardware one and you
will have the same problem if/when you try to re-install a current MS

Just my $0.02! :-)
SPAM Reduction: Remove "x." from my domain.
2005-02-01 20:33:48 UTC
Post by Doug Mitton
Post by dadiOH
Post by Thufir
Post by Tom F.
This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You
want to boot from a CD. It explains how to do that well, with bios
screen shots and everything.
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the "boot screen" mentioned here.
Then your machine is broken. Or your CRT isn't turned on. Or you
aren't looking.
ALL computers have that screen...the POST...the one where RAM is
checked. The OS installed on the hard drive has no bearing on it.
Ah, to be honest this may not be totally true, depending on the
vintage of the hardware and/or the brand.
It's an IBM Personal Computer 300GL with a sticker on the back which
reads "19628849u78naa48". I found
showing a somewhat related problem, no good links, though.
Post by Doug Mitton
I have a 500Mhz (or maybe its the 166?) (not REALLY old) Thinkpad that
doesn't give any hint on the boot screen on how to get into the BIOS,
I had to look it up under the support section of the web page, its
"hold down the F1 key while powering up".
I keep trying different combos, such as that, but can't get to a boot
screen. I keep manage to get to the menu which allows win98 to start
in safe mode, though, and I hear the floppy drive grinding.
Post by Doug Mitton
Also, remember the 'ole Compaq machines that required a special SETUP
boot floppy disk to make the "bios" changes.
This thread has gotten very confusing, and I'm not sure if the OP has
posted the hardware ID of the Win98 machine BUT there may well be a
reason why its still running Win98.
To the OP, this is not a Linux limitation but a hardware one and you
will have the same problem if/when you try to re-install a current MS
I concur. When I first posted, I thought it was a win98 issue, so
posted to linux and win98 groups. I know realize it's probably a
hardware problem.
Post by Doug Mitton
Just my $0.02! :-)
SPAM Reduction: Remove "x." from my domain.

Thufir Hawat
Jeff Richards
2005-02-01 21:04:01 UTC
You paid a premium for an IBM machine, so you should take advantage of it.
Go here, follow the instructions for identifying your machine, and search
for what's available. You will find not only complete manuals, but also a
BIOS upgrade that might add the feature you are looking for.
Jeff Richards
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
snip <
It's an IBM Personal Computer 300GL with a sticker on the back which
reads "19628849u78naa48". I found
Tom F.
2005-02-02 06:59:39 UTC
Post by Thufir
Post by Doug Mitton
"hold down the F1 key while powering up".
I keep trying different combos, such as that, but can't get to a boot
screen. I keep manage to get to the menu which allows win98 to start
in safe mode, though, and I hear the floppy drive grinding.
If that's the case, then try the boot floppy method mentioned above.
Tom F.
2005-02-01 22:34:02 UTC
Nope, all computers do not -had 2 computers like that. On a HP took me a
week to find out. Wasn't in the manuals-nothing. Wasn't even much in the
bios after I got there. Had to press F1 at a 1 second time.

"dadiOH" <***@x-mail.net> wrote in message news:ey1vn$***@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
| Thufir wrote:
| > Tom F. wrote:
| >> http://www.windowsnetworking.com/j_helmig/bootcd.htm
| >> This link concerns installing windows, but it doesn't matter. You
| > Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the "boot screen" mentioned here.
| Then your machine is broken. Or your CRT isn't turned on. Or you
| aren't looking.
| ALL computers have that screen...the POST...the one where RAM is
| checked. The OS installed on the hard drive has no bearing on it.
| Maybe it is going too fast to read? Then HALT it (press Pause/Break).
| Somewhere - normally lower left - there will be info about the key you
| need to press to get into the BIOS setup (all mobos have a BIOS, all
| have a setup).
Doug Mitton
2005-02-02 14:16:27 UTC
Post by Thufir
Restarting a windows 98 system and pressing F8 doesn't bring up the
option of booting from the cd, as it does on my win2k machine.
Why/not, please? (I'm trying to install linux on the win98 machine,
the cd worked fine for that on the win2k machine.)
Thufir Hawat
I just did a quick advanced google search and used the key words
"300gl bios key" and there were about 15 responses and the first 2 or
3 mention this model. The BIOS entry should be to press the F1 key
while the IBM boot logo is displayed then you have to select a
"startup" entry. It probably makes more sense if you are looking at
the computer while doing the actions.

Good luck!
SPAM Reduction: Remove "x." from my domain.
Thufir Hawat
2005-02-02 21:39:04 UTC
Doug Mitton wrote:
Post by Doug Mitton
I just did a quick advanced google search and used the key words
"300gl bios key" and there were about 15 responses and the first 2 or
3 mention this model. The BIOS entry should be to press the F1 key
while the IBM boot logo is displayed then you have to select a
"startup" entry. It probably makes more sense if you are looking at
the computer while doing the actions.

I just tried this again, no luck :(
It's ok, though, I'll SBM or similar :)

Thufir Hawat
