OK Thufir, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a
troll getting your jollies. I'm suspicious, though.
Post by ThufirUnfortunately, I'm not seeing the
"boot screen" mentioned here.
OK, see? This is why people aren't sure abut you. This doesn't really
help me to help you. Please be specific. Have you succeeded in getting
into the bios setup screen at all? When you first turn on the computer,
doesn't it tell you how to enter the bios? (press DEL or a function key
or something?)
If you HAVE gotten to that screen, what do you see there? I just don't
believe there is nothing that mentions "boot." Like "boot order" or
something. Even if your hardware is too old to boot from a CD (which I
very much doubt) there would still be other boot options. There MUST be
something that can enable or disable booting from a floppy and
reordering the boot drive sequence. This is a main job of all bios. It
is there.
What is the make of your motherboard? If you don't know, check the
hardware properties in windows, which is running on this machine,
right? You can find out what motherboard you have that way. Then search
and or post it. We can find something that way.
Others have asked you to post this info, but you don't do it. Why not?
It would be very useful. If you don't know how, why not ask that? "I
don't know what motherboard I have. How can I find out?" At least that
question would be a logical response.
The point I'm making here is that people reading this group get a bit
annoyed at the hazy way you ask your questions, then more annoyed at
the lack of info in your responses. Simply saying "It didn't work."
isn't enough. We aren't mind readers.
Post by ThufirThank you, before posting this question I got FC3, minimal, up and
running on the win2k machine. The win98 machine seems quite different
in its boot sequence.
Understand this is a question of bios and hardware. It has NOTHING to
do with any operating system. not windows 98, 2000, linux or anything
else. First the bios boots a disk THEN an operating system takes over.
So this problem (I still don't believe it is a problem yet) occurs
before any OS is loaded. You would have to solve this booting from a CD
problem even if NO operating system were installed on the machine.
Post by ThufirUnfortunately, it doesn't apply as I'm stuck on the boot sequence for
the win98 machine. On the win2k machine, things seem ok.
And this is another thing. You were posting about 2 machines without
making that clear at all. Your posts are very confusing and hard to
Post by ThufirI'm sorry that you have that view, in fact
I've been doing quite a bit of
reading on this.
All right. I'm believing you for the moment. But honestly, this isn't
as hard as you are making it out to be. Just communicate a little
Post by ThufirHopefully you'll continue to help, I'd appreciate it.
I'm taking you at your word, here. I hope you don't prove me foolish.
I've asked a few stupid questions in my time. I've always gotten help
here, even if it is of the "tough love" variety. I've learned. But I
never saw anything like your posts. You need to provide INFO in a clear
logical way if you think anyone can help you.
You need to say something like this:
I'm trying to do X.
I did this (be exact and specific).
This is what happened (be exact and specific).
You say please and thank you very nicely, that's good, but information
is better.
Once you are up and running in linux, I'll point you to guidelines on
posting to newsgroups. But the basic idea is if you don't provide good
information in a clear and logical way, people will at best flame you
and at worst just ignore you.
I'm far from a linux expert. But I think I have enough knowledge and
experience to help you with your problems if you provide enough info
for me to do so.
Tom F.